Flash MX 2004 MP3 Player Pg.14
source: http://www.thegoldenmean.com/
14 — Inspiration
This tutorial is come to an end. I don't have anything more to tell you, but over the course of the months I have been involved with Flash-based MP3 Players I have come across some that stand out for various reasons. Some are beautiful; some are wildly inventive; some are free. By now you are probably pretty discerning as well. Here are links (in no particular order) to some I think you might enjoy examining.
- Eric Dolecki’s dazzling work of art.
- FlashLoaded’s SoundPlayer (commercial component)
- FlamPlayer - wow! A very polished commerical endeavor, free if you are willing to keep their branding in place. Available without thier branding for a fee. Uses MySQL and PHP. You get the .swf but not the .fla. Extraordinary work.
- Jeroen Wijering’s elegant Player. This appears to be a Component not an .fla so there's only so much you can do to customize it, but it certainly is beautiful and appears quite solid and flexible.
- WimpyPlayer (also commercial, but not a component. very impressive - sold as a swf that gets all of its configuration instructions from FlashVars embedded in the html! Also very sophisticated use of PHP)
- Bleep (a sweet minimalistic widget by Warp Records (a music retailer) - waveforms generated by FlashAmp I’m almost positive)
- PixelPlay’s intriguing iPod (only availble when his iPod is plugged in evidently, so you might need to try later if it’s not connected)
- Senocular’s example, used as a demo in his exhaustive XML tutorial
- A playful one at NASA’s SpacePlace
