Flash MX 2004 MP3 Player Pg.11
source: http://www.thegoldenmean.com/
11 — Setup Panel Code
Setup Panel Code
For the truly committed among you, here is the code that relates to the setup_mc control module. I won’t write any commentary - the comments included should make sense to you by now.
//Tweening and easing classes import mx.transitions.Tween; import mx.transitions.easing.*; this.attachMovie("setup_module", "setup_mc", 10); //The default state for Player is high bandwidth and linear //play mode so light up those buttons to start off setup_mc.high_mc.gotoAndStop("checked"); setup_mc.linear_mc.gotoAndStop("checked"); //continue button animates setup_mc off stage and moves main //timelineto the final frame, which starts everything going setup_mc.continue_mc.onRelease = function ():Void { //create reference to player for nested function var player:MovieClip = this._parent._parent; var revealTween:Object = new Tween(this._parent, "_y", Strong.easeInOut, 0, this._parent._height, 2, true); revealTween.onMotionFinished = function() { player.play();//I know it sounds redundant.... } } setup_mc.shuffle_mc.onRelease = function():Void { this.gotoAndStop("checked"); setup_mc.linear_mc.gotoAndStop("unchecked"); this._parent._parent.shuffle_mc.gotoAndStop("checked"); shuffle = true; } //this selects "shuffle" as the play mode and turns the shuffle_mc //button "on" in both the setup_mc and the main Player interface setup_mc.linear_mc.onRelease = function():Void { this.gotoAndStop("checked"); setup_mc.shuffle_mc.gotoAndStop("unchecked"); this._parent._parent.shuffle_mc.gotoAndStop("unchecked"); shuffle = false; } setup_mc.high_mc.onRelease = function():Void { this.gotoAndStop("checked"); setup_mc.low_mc.gotoAndStop("unchecked"); _soundbuftime = 5; } setup_mc.low_mc.onRelease = function():Void { this.gotoAndStop("checked"); setup_mc.high_mc.gotoAndStop("unchecked"); _soundbuftime = 10; } stop();
With the setup panel dealt with, let’s finish this Player!
